Fluturime Ditore

Daily flights

Daily flights servicing your primary markets all over the world allow you to plan the transportation of all your cargo as efficiently as possible. Fixed schedules on our daily flights give you the flexibility to delay or accelerate delivery of your goods to satisfy your supply chain requirements.

For more remote or complex destinations, our specialists arrange creative routes with scheduled departures several times a week.


DyrrahSped sh.pk was founded in 1993 based in Durres, the first President and Administrator of the company was Mr. ShpetimProdani.  We operate in the road transport sector with its quality services since 1998.


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Na Kontaktoni


Lagja 3, Sheshi "Liria", EGT Centert, Kati 7, Durres, Albania 2001


+355 52 221635/33


+355 692080351